Divorce is the only option


He always send tickets to me everytime he's going on tours in different countries, but I don't attend any of them, at least not anymore because I used to attend four years ago.

"He said I should remind you that he's holding his concert in LA this year, and you should please attend" he said.

I tilted my head and glanced at the bluetooth that's flashing blue light, which means it's turned on and he (my husband) can hear me.

"Tell him to come home and if he really want me to come to his concert, he'd personally give these tickets to me" I said.

"But, Mrs Baldwin, Mr Baldwin is a very busy man and... "

"Good" I cut in. "Tell him I'm a very busy woman too, I don't have time for his cat and mouse games"

He wanted to say something else, but I raised my hand and stopped him. I let my eyes roam outside as if I'm searching for something or someone.

"It's best you leave now, you don't want people to start suspecting I have a relationship with the big celebrity" I told him. "Oh, and tell him one of his girlfriends dropped by earlier"

"But the tickets"

At once the tickets were snatched from him, we both turned towards who had snatched them and I groaned frustratingly.

"Fatima, give it back" I grumbled.

"Nope" she replied and kissed the tickets. "I love concerts!" she jumped happily.

He smiled, then turned and literally ran out, before I would think of snatching the tickets from Fatima and shove them back in his hands.

"You shouldn't have collected those tickets" I queried her while glaring at the tickets.



A car with tainted glasses was parked at about fifteen feet away from R&F coffee and ice cream parlor, a man who was wearing a black mask sat in the back seat and stared at the cafe through the tainted window.

"Mr Baldwin" he heard one of his bodyguards called and he turned his gaze towards him.

"Get in" he said.

"Mr Baldwin, she said..."

He raised his hand and cut off whatever his bodyguard wanted to say, he looked towards R&F coffee and ice cream parlor once more, then smirked.

"I heard everything she said, she's gonna come" he said confidently.

"But, Mr Baldwin... "

"Get in the car, Lucas, let's go" he cut his bodyguard off again.

Lucas sighed, he quickly got in the car and drove off in great speed.



"... he's still your husband no matter what" Fatima argued with me.

Fatima's my best friend and she knows about my marriage with Duncan, and she tries everything within her power to remind me of my love for him.

"He's only my husband in name, the public doesn't know us as husband and I don't think they'll ever know" I replied her.

She gaped at me, but I ignored her and stormed towards the counter to roundup my account.

"What do you mean? Why did you say they'll never know?" she asked.

"I'm working on our divorce... "

"What?!!" she shouted, her scream almost blew off the roof of my cafe.

Right at that moment, a honk sounded from outside, we both turned our heads towards the direction and saw it's my friend and neighbor, Mike -we live in the same neighborhood.

Fatima frowned, but I smiled in appreciation, thank goodness he's here to rescue me from Fatima.

"My ride's here" I said.

"Will he just stop picking up another man's wife?!" she growled lowly.

"Another man's wife? Who's that?"

She rolled her eyes at me.

"You know who I'm talking about" she said.

"No, I don't" I replied.

I snatched my bag from the counter and flung it on my shoulder, then patted Fatima's head.

"I've got to go, help me lock up" I told her and dashed out without waiting for her reply.

Mike already had the passenger door open before I reached his car, so, I quickly slide in and shut the door.

"You close later than before, today" he said.

"Yeah, I was balancing my account" I replied.

He nodded, he gestured at my seatbelt and I quickly fastened it, then he drove off.

"Right, your divorce papers are ready" he said as he shifted his gaze from the road, but for a split second.

"Do you have them here?"

"Nope" he popped the P. "I left them back at the office, you can come by my office tomorrow and get them"

"Hm" I hummed.

Mike's my lawyer and he's the one helping me with the divorce papers, apart from Fatima, he's the only person who knows about my marriage and he's being doing a good job keeping it a secret.

Though, Mike knew by accident, he overheard Fatima and I talking about it one day.

"I guess you're tired, get some rest" he said.

"Hm" I hummed again.

I leaned back on the seat and closed my eyes, though, I know I'm not gonna fall asleep.


After a fifteen minutes drive, Mike stopped his car outside our (I and Duncan's) mansion.

"We're here" he said.

"Yeah, thank you" I replied.

I opened the door and alighted his car, then waved at him.

"Good night, Mike"

"Yep, good night and don't forget to call by my office tomorrow for those papers" he reminded me.


I continued waving him as he drove off and until he's drove into his own compound. His mansion's just two poles away from ours.

"Welcome, Mrs Baldwin" our security man greeted me, which made me flinch back slightly.

"Jeb, stop sneaking up on me" I scolded him.

"Yes, ma'am"

I turned and headed in. Jeb followed behind me until I entered the mansion, then he wished me good night and went back to his post.

I frowned when I stepped into the living room and realized the lights were turned off; where's Mrs Jackson? Has she gone back home already?

Right, Mrs Jackson is our housekeeper, she's an advance woman and she treat me like her own child -maybe because she doesn't have a child of her own.

My hand searched for the lights switch, until I found it and flicked the lights on.

"Mrs Jackson?" I called as I tiredly dragged my feet towards a sofa.

"Oh, Rachel, you're back" she answered as she rushed out of the kitchen.

"Water, please" I said.

She stopped by the fridge and quickly poured some water in a glass, then handed it to me. I took a few gulps and put down the glass.

"Why did you turn off the lights?" I asked.

"It kept blinking that I had to call the management, and I was told to turned all the lights off that they'd fix it" she paused and stared at the lights. "I guess they've fixed it"

A tired yawn left my mouth, I picked my bag and headed towards the stairs.

"Dinner is ready, freshen up and come down for dinner" she said.

"Ok" I simply replied.

My phone beeped when I was only a few steps away from our room (the master's bedroom), I reached for it and saw a message, but I didn't check the sender before opening it.

I narrowed my eyes as I realized it's a message from my first bank, they just alerted me that Duncan Baldwin transferred $1,000,000 into my account and my account balance is $12,500,600,709.

"Ughhh!" I groaned and pulled my hair. "when is he fuçking gonna realize his shîtty money isn't what I need?" I growled quietly and shoved the phone back in my bag.

He does this everyday, sending me a million dollars everyday but I don't use it.

I know many are wondering why I'm living in his home since I don't need or depend on his money, well, I'm living here because he built this mansion with his very first salary and that was when he was still acknowledging me as his wife, he doesn't neglect me then.

He's built other bigger and more beautiful mansions and has begged me severally to move to one of them, but I refused.

This mansion is already too big and too lonely for me, I think it's enough... besides, it holds so many of our memories and mean a lot to me.

I guess there's no way we can go back to the past and be the happiest couple we were, it seems divorce is really the only option now.