chapter 24


I wanted to fight the urge of kissing him back, because I'm worried about his injuries, but it's too late because I'm already very turned on and the only thing that can help me right now, is his dîck buried deeply in me.

I excitedly began kissing him back, our tongue wrestled as we both wanted to get upper hand and be in control of the kiss. But I guess men will remain the head, I succumbed and let him be in control.

He shoved his tongue in my mouth and explored every inch, his kiss was so fierce that I could barely catch up with him, all I could manage to do was bite his lower lip softly.

Maybe he drank some wine before coming up here, because I could taste a little bit of wine and it's strangely turning me on even more.

He got up and made me stand on my feet without breaking the kiss, he kissed my lips for a few moments more until we're almost running out of breath, then he moved his lips from mine to my jawlines.