chapter 32


"You sent me that threat note, didn't you? You think I wouldn't know this is one of your sick games?" she scoffed. "You can't trick me, I'm way ahead of you"

I picked the paper and opened it to see what's written inside.

'Your husband is being stubborn, we're coming for you'

These were the words written on the paper, and each words were written in red ink.

I raised my head and stared at Tasha with a deep frown. She's being posing as Mrs Baldwin recently, could it be someone's trying to harm Duncan through his wife? This note was actually meant for me?

It's very clear now, super clear to me the reason Duncan was hiding me from the public eyes, it must be because of situations like this.

"What's with that expression, are you thinking of denying it?" she asked.

Should I tell her the troubles she's inviting for herself by posing to be Mrs Baldwin? Would she even listen to me?