chapter 38


"I heard someone was involved in a serious fight and passed out" he sighed "I thought she'd be in a critical condition right now but..." he trailed off and shook his head. "Ouch!" he groaned in pain as he was smacked at the back of his head by Jacinta.

"Are you cursing her?" she asked as she walked in with a bouquet of flowers. "Can't you see it's not as serious as I made it sound?"

Fatima and I exchanged looks, we're both thinking the same thing; as serious as she made it sound?

I blinked as I tried to understand what they (Mike and Jacinta) are saying. Are they actually thinking I'd be bedridden? Or they're praying I'd be bedridden? I don't seem to understand.

"Here you go" Jacinta handed me the flowers. "Are you alright?" she asked referring to my head.

"Yeah, thank you for the flowers" I walked towards the small bedside table and sat the flowers on the table, resting it against the wall.