chapter 47


>>Black-Knight's Base, 5:09pm<<

"He was such a good chorister, he's got a very beautiful voice and everything but..."

Mr Baldwin paused as he stared sorrowful at the remains of the body he's just destroyed, then he sighed deeply, and shook his head as if he's pained by his (the snitch) death.

"...even beautiful things must come to an end, we must move on.." he trailed off and moved his eyes to the last snitch. ".. and let's move on to him" he pointed his blade at him.

The snitch flinched back in fear, he has just watched how his comrades was brutally butchered, the second suffered more than the first, now he's fearing he'll suffer more than the second.

He wanted to run away and escape from here, but where can he go?

He was tied against a tree, all he can do at the moment is wait for his painful death.

"Let's see how well you can sing" Mr Baldwin laughed.