chapter 56


>>Wetland Holiday Inn, room 0013<<

Mr Baldwin poured himself another glass of wine, he brought it closer to his mouth and took a large gulp, but the glass fell off his hand when he began feeling dizzy.

He frowned as he stared at the bottle of wine, wondering why he'd suddenly get drunk after just three glasses.

He threw his head back on the sofa and massaged his forehead softly, he got up and tried to take a step but fell back on the sofa.

"Damnit! I've been drugged!" he cursed.

He soon started feeling an internal heat, even his vision was starting to blur and he could hardly recognize the things around him.

"No, no, I gotta...gotta get outta here" he muttered in a broken voice, as he released ragged breaths.

He stood up, and tried to take a step again but still fell back on the sofa.