chapter 61


>>Four Months Later<<

"P-please, don't... argh"

A man released an agonized howl as a blade landed on his back, cutting very deep in his flesh and his blood spilled everywhere.

He weakly gathered himself, and tried to crawl away from the mercilessly blade that was still coming for him, but he wasn't fast enough because the blade landed on his left leg, and almost cut it off.

His mouth fell open as another agonizing howl emitted from the deepest part of his throat, he turned around and stared pleadingly at the figure towering over him, with anger and thirst for blood hooded in his (the figure's) narrowed dark eyes.

"Where. Is. My. Fuçking. Money. Rowland?" the figure asked in a very calm, but anger filled voice.

The man (now known as Rowland) shook his head as he crawled away from the figure, until his back met the wall, and he had no where else to run to, or hide.