chapter 74


>>Hours Later<<

I glared at Fatima who sat on a sofa, with a small and concentrated frown on her face, as she was playing a game on her phone, and with her current expression, I could tell she has hit a hard rock -she couldn't advance to the next level in her game.

My eyebrows furrowed as I wondered why she isn't reacting to my stares, because I know very well she could feel my eyes on her.

"Come on, Fatima, let me go, or I'll be late for my therapy session" I complained for the hundredth time this morning.

"Mrs Baldwin" she paused her game, and threw an offended look towards my way. "I'm not stopping you from leaving" she said.

"Yeah, you're not stopping me but..."

I trailed off and looked towards the door, I released a tired and frustrated sigh when I saw the two hefty men who stood guard outside the door.