Character Information

[Main Character]

- Alex 'Sebastian' Faust

Around 6ft 2" tall

A handsome boy with mid-length grey/silver hair with emerald eyes. He normally wears suits to cover his muscular and powerful body.

He also has a scar near his heart from an accident when he was younger.

According to his fellow students who peeked at him in the shower, he is hung like a horse. Amy would also confirm this to be true.



[Female Leads]

Sarah Diabella

Around 5ft 11."

A beautiful woman with a fierce temperament, although she acts cold and reserved in public, her chest burns a raging flame of passion and desire.

Her eyes are vibrant and alluring, glowing light blue as if by magic and can easily capture the hearts of any man except the one she's loved for nearly eight years.

With long black hair, with a light wave down to her back, she will tie it into tight braids when she fights, with a high ponytail to avoid any issues.

Normally found to wear blue or dark blue dresses enjoying both tight evening dresses, Asymmetrical dresses and off-the-shoulder dresses.

She had a wonderful bodyline, with a tight waist and plump hips. Thank's to her mother's great genes, despite her martial arts training.

Her breasts are a large D-cup with perky and fair-coloured nipples.

On her right arm is a large rose tattoo in remembrance of her late mother, who was murdered in a dispute between her family and another; the long stem is black to represent the corruption and rot within the city.

For her lips, she chooses a colour that Alex said he liked once, "Saigon" Colourpop Mega Matt Liquid Lipstick.

Since the day he mentioned it being sexy, Sarah began to buy this product daily, now owning more than 16% of the company's stocks.

Sarah is one of the most powerful people in the university. She can easily best Alex when it comes to skill and flexibility; she is said to be a genius with the eastern sword and light styles, and she wishes for the day Alex begins to learn swordsmanship with her.



Eclaire Fiore (Vesta - Stage 1: Germination)

Around 5ft 5" tall

A cute athletic girl with long brown hair with a swaying flower ribbon. Sometimes seems curly when she's hot or sweaty.

Like Sarah, she has blue eyes, but they are more of a pale blue close to turquoise.

Her breasts are moderate, with a huge ass that can attract even the most faithful boyfriend to drool over; Claire's major points of attraction are her beautiful tight muscular abs that are smooth, firm and very compact, keeping her waist close and hips wide.



Mildred Black

Around 5ft 8" tall

A beautiful woman with thick, glossy blonde hair with a huge volume, sometimes with braids but when she feels lazy it's just straight.

Her eyes are much like Alex Faust, emerald green and like him, they remain so after becoming a ghoul.

She has the biggest breasts of all his women, with a curvy and alluring figure to match them, she practised martial arts and archery on weekends after work




Around 5ft 4" tall

When human her face was above average at best, with a moderate chest and looks.

Like Mildred, she is blonde but shares the same eye colour as the locals of this country which is mainly azure blue, or light blue.

Unlike Mildred, her eyes turn red once becoming a complete ghoul.

Once she is transformed into a ghoul her body gets a nice boost, seeming to move her closer to Alex's ideal, however not all girls get the same boost.

Her ass and breasts become larger, with a more perky and springy feeling, while her figure becomes more voluptuous with tighter abs, making her look athletic and charming.



Maria Lancelot

Around 6ft tall

The first Ghoul to serve Alex in total devotion.

With silvery white hair down to her shoulders, a half-braid style with long bangs brushing along her cheeks, she is an old friend of Claire's and now one of the most beautiful women around Alex.

Her eyes are dark red, glowing only when Alex compliments or shows her attention.

With a chest close to Mildred's and an ass on par with Sarah, she is the closest woman to Alex's true ideal and seems the most advanced of his women regarding his taste.

Although her throat is scarred, Alex seems to find this adds charm to her emotionless state and a part of her beauty.



Laura Frost

5ft 6inches roughly

The first non-human ghoul to become Alex's vesta.

Her hair is beautifully soft; silky and a testament to her elven heritage; before she became his ghoul, she was a short and quite petite woman with rather modest breasts; however, after she became his vesta, they grew to a proud large D-cup, bordering an E-cup size.

Laura's eyes were always the same golden colour, sometimes shining brightly when she felt emotional or excited, a heritage of her elven bloodline.

The size of her ass is close to the same level as Sarah, as a proud physical education teacher; although her new form is more curvy and plump, Laura has not lost her muscles and abs, which show whenever she stretches.

As she desperately needed someone to trust and love and never abandon her, the moment she became Alex's vesta, everything changed, and she became slightly warped.



[Sub Characters]

Adam Franz - Young Master in Chapter 5 The handsome boy with blonde hair and blue eyes brushed back his hair,

Adam Franz (Vargeist Stage 1: Germination)

- Level 2 (Immunity: Level 4)

Master: Alex Faust

- Occupation: N/A

- Title: N/A

- Strength: 7 [10]

- Agility: 9 [10]

- Endurance: 6 [10]

- Stamina: 7 [10]

- Willpower: 4 [10]



John Davies - Simp, who gets face stomped in chapter 6 with brown curly hair and green eyes.

Adam Franz (Vargeist Stage 1: Germination)

- Level 1 (Immunity: Level 2)

Master: Alex Faust

- Occupation: N/A

- Title: N/A

- Strength: 5 [10]

- Agility: 4 [10]

- Endurance: 6 [10]

- Stamina: 5 [10]

- Willpower: 2 [10]