[Bonus chapter] Chapter 23: Vengeance

The cafeteria exploded, and loud bangs filled the area as countless corpses moved towards the sound, smelling the female students' fresh blood and cooking flesh while they desperately tried to fight back.

Jeff's group didn't care; their bodies, filled with wounds, arrows and glass, began to dash forward, ignoring the loud thud of Laura's body smashing beside them as they darted into a tight passage between two buildings.

Now entrapped in pitch black, the boys ran for their lives, discarding most weapons and keeping only the most basic swords and items.

Unable to see, they finally left the tight passage, now in a small area where the staff used to hide to smoke, high buildings for the stockroom and food storage on either side, blocking the moonlight.

They were now trapped in pure darkness.

"H-hurry, light, give some light!"

"Damn, it's so fucked up! Why did coach Hanz die so easily!?"

The boys were filled with fear and terror, almost shaking physically as their willpower began to plummet, dark figures moved in the shadows, and groans and sounds in the distance.

"Light your damn torches!" Jeff's voice sounded irritated at how pathetic the boys were, despite his legs trembling.

A swift gust of wind shot past his ears, causing them to pop, forcing him to lift his hands to cover them; suddenly, a wet, sloppy sound exploded as if something soft was torn apart, and then a loud thud filled the dark area.

"A-ahhhh!?" One boy's mind broke, his willpower now negative as he ran in a random direction in the darkness, clawing at his face.

"It wasn't me! They all forced me; please believe me! I am sorry, Macy!" Another began to see the faces of all the girls they wronged in the past few days and the girl they forced to commit suicide before the apocalypse even began, staring at him silently.

It was like a terrible nightmare; their group ruptured, leaving Jeff and two other boys, who remained positive and sane as they tried to push forward, not even the moon to guide their path.

They prayed not to meet any zombies.

'Fuck, that damn fucking psychopath woman! Why didn't she stop when her student was a hostage? What were those eyes? As if looking at garbage!'

In his mind, Laura was supposed to be submissive; seeing her student in danger, she would stop firing and then all the girls would be his to enjoy.

Yet just like that damn Alex who stole Sarah's affection, despite dating, Amy caused him irritation that surpassed his fear momentarily.

"DAMN IT!" Jeff snarled.

He kicked out, smashing into something heavy but quite soft and assumed it to be a corpse or something; thankfully, there was no light; otherwise, he would find this was the boy who ran away, his face torn apart and limbs torn off.

"Where is the damn light? Eh?"

He wanted to scold the guys following him as useless before suddenly he slipped, falling forward after another booming gale of wind shot past them.

Jeff tried stabilising himself but lost control of his lower body. His body drifted forward and crashed into the hard gravel, slicing open his chin as it felt like his brain rattled inside his skull.

Rolling around several times, he cried out as the sensation below his left leg vanished in this action, as a throbbing pain filled his body.

"Damn it, my leg... fuck, it burns!"

'What the fuck!? Since when did simply falling hurt so badly...'

With his right hand, Jeff reached down, a splatter filling his fingers, wet and soggy, before he began to stroke a spongey feeling texture which caused him a sharp pain.


'That's fucking strange!'

The place he was stroking was where his foot used to be, now only a wet stump oozing with blood and dangling flesh, the bone sliced cleanly.


He wanted to scream, and as his stomach began to churn, the realisation caused his willpower to hit zero, and terror began to encroach his mind, the darkness now filled with countless hands and shapes reaching out towards him.

Unable to handle the situation, he began to hyperventilate and placed both hands at the side of his ears to stop the voices of all the women he'd wronged and all the boys he'd killed in the past two days shouting at him.


"Why did you kill me? We've been friends since primary school?" A brown-haired boy with a mangled face accosted him.

A large amount of vomit burst from his mouth, nausea and dizziness too intense as his body tried to endure the loss of a limb, his blood pouring out.

'Where are the other guys? Why did no one stop to help me!?' Jeff thought to himself.

"Oh... what took you so lon....!?"

'What the fuck are those eerie lights?'

Two emerald lights shone in the darkness, like bewitching beacons that guided his eyes, as those eyes reminded him of a man he abandoned.

Terror began to fill his soul.

'Alex!? Is it Alex!! How did he kill that monster? No... Alex looked like a monster himself. Did he finally turn? Fuck...'

He tried to move but was locked in place as two arms held him down, piercing his shoulders.

Woosh! A silver glint flashed in Jeff's eyes before he could call out for help.

A loud slash and spluttering sound filled his ear before suddenly pain filled his arm.

Jeff's body began to spasm; there was a throbbing pain in his left arm, followed by a searing heat as his body was forced to roll several feet backwards, the gravel tearing at his flesh, ripping apart his body as he smashed nose first into a jagged rock with a loud thud and crack.


Crack! His nose was snapped completely as it began to seep with blood.

'Fuck!? I am going to die; help, please, someone!'

Several of his teeth became broken, and some swallowed down his throat, causing painful sensations as they tore apart his oesophagus, blood pooling in his mouth, while the rest dropped down with his spitting action.

'It burns... they are tearing my throat apart... please.... let me go!'

"Ugh!?" Jeft tried to speak, but the blood in his throat almost drowned him as he choked, only able to groan and shudder in fright.

'My face!! It hurts, god damn it; what's happening?'


Suddenly, a pair of blinking scarlet eyes looked down at him, vacant like a corpse void of all emotion as they just watched him in silence, eerie and causing his sanity to fall below zero.

"Grrrk!" The red eyes seemed to groan towards him, an aggressive and terrifying sound, like a vibrating piece of metal.

'Shit, my arm won't move! Help! Mother.... please..... they are going to eat me!'

Filled with a moment of last-ditch determination, Jeff began to try escaping, ignoring the dull stabbing pain in his left side, dragging himself away slowly, not caring that he was bleeding heavily, the gravel tearing at his wounds, now embedded in his stomach, legs and cheeks.

Jeff's pants were soaking wet with blood and urine as the scent of ammonia filled the air; he could not care, the terror of the situation and darkness driving him mad.

"Haa...Haa... One of you guys... turn on a light! Please... Help me escape...." Jeff's weak, pained voice sounded.

Thud! He dropped onto his back, looking into the dark, midnight sky.

Suddenly the moon peeked from the clouds, her silver light almost greeting Jeff with a gruesome reality as if to answer his plea for light.

Looking around him, the sight illuminated by the silver light caused him to tremble; blood and gore filled his surroundings, as all the boys with him now lay in a circle around him, their faces mangled, bodies dismembered.




A footstep approached.

In his ears, a sickening crunching sounded, like a dog eating bones in the kitchen, yet there were no dogs there.

A woman gnawing on a bone, her sharp teeth crushing the bones as if made of chocolate.

The clouds cleared as the moonlight illuminated her face.

Tanned skin with a beautiful caramel tone, dark red eyes and half braided neck length hair.

'Fuck! It's The zombie of that slut and the prick we abandoned!?'

It was Maria, the girl these 8 boys ganged up on, violated and tortured as she wanted to tell Claire and get revenge.

'W-hat! she is that feral zombie that was trying to kill us? Why..... WHY!!! Zombies are not supposed to be so intelligent!'


Then another set of steps sounded.

It revealed a second person.

A tall devilish male with emerald eyes, those that initially caused him to lose his sanity and drop his guard.

'M-monster!? Is Alex a zombie? I don't understand! He was speaking!'

As if to accost and blame Jeff, his mouth filled with blood and the flesh of the several remaining bits of the boys that followed.

"N-no.... please..... s-spare me.." Jeff ignored the intense pain and terror and spoke out to the pair.

Fear overwhelmed him; Jeff shuddered, trying to crawl away with one arm as he tripped over something soft and fleshy.

In terror, he turned around to see his severed arm flopped on the ground, with a woman squatting over it, her lips drooling as she looked down at him with azure eyes.

"H-hel.....Ahhhh!" He squealed.

Samantha looked at him like human trash; Faust translated the words of Maria to them both, which caused her to feel great anger and frustration towards these boys.

Not all of the men became monsters; Matt was just unlucky. However, the men at the basketball club went too far.

She smiled coldly and ruthlessly at him as her hand moved towards his face, almost making him feel relief.

'Maybe she will....'

Slash! A series of long black claws pierced his cheek.

Samantha, who seemed normal, suddenly began drooling as she tore parts of his cheeks from his face, her wet tongue sliding over her lips like seeing a delicious burger.

Then her face became cold, smashing him with her elbow several times with a brutal snap and crunch.

'....' Jeff's mind was empty from the assault; he couldn't even cry as his lower body began to urinate constantly as if broken and giving up life.


Jeff rolled onto his back.

He caught a glimpse of something in Maria's hand; seeing a zombie carrying that item was strange.

'Why does she have that pipe?'

A rusted metal bar, seemingly taken from a boiler or some old heater, mangy rusted metal, slightly orange with traces of light fluid dripping down, the edge was sharp, as if twisted and pulled off and not cut.

'Don't come closer!?'



The female corpse slowly moved towards him, filling him with horror as he tried desperately dragging himself away.

'No.....no! Somebody help! That's right; teacher Laura will save me! N-no, I won't die, not to these fucking corpses!'

His mind was delirious from fear, blood loss and his severed limbs.



The female corpse approached slowly, unlike her assault earlier in the night.

A smile?

Was she showing a slight smile?

'No, it's just my mind....'

Jeff comforted his negative willpower, unable to understand reality and his delusion apart as her figure morphed into a distorted shadow, deformed beyond any sense of a woman as only those red eyes continued to haunt him.


She reached his body, the metal pipe moving, swaying in the distorted monster's grasp, her red claws tapping on the metal bar with a slight melody.

Her vacant eyes looked down at him before she squatted down, pushing the pipe into his face; the mangled cheek was now hanging off, severed by the sharp pipe's tip.

"Grrreh!!" Her beautiful lips opened, red like fresh blood spilt from a wound.

Was she teasing him? As fear consumed him.

Maria looked at him, a cold sensation filling his body as she lowered the pipe close to between his legs before he saw that faint smile again.


Jeff began to shake uncontrollably before the pipe was shoved into his lower body as if shanked with a knife.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!?" No longer audible words, only an agonising cry from a broken boy.

Pain, searing pain with a deep throbbing ache.

The woman shivved him repeatedly, the wet sound of the rusted pipe tearing his flesh, ripping his lower body apart as if a reenactment of that night she died.

'It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!'

Only those thoughts filled his mind as his eyes filled with tears, shock and cardiac arrest, grasping his body like a grim reaper soft embrace.

Red eyes narrowed like crescents.

The ghoul smiled in delight.

As she tore him apart.

Jeff passed away

In agony


Standing silently

Her vengeance is over.
