Chapter 45: Into The Fray!

Alex and Stella stepped forward, passing a small store that had once sold alcohol called Aunt Mavory's Grape Wine! It was now abandoned, like most buildings on this lonely road.

'It's a shame; Aunt Mavory was such a kind lady!' Stella thought as she looked at the smashed windows and traces of blood all over the area, especially inside; both of them peaking inside only to see nothing but broken glass and spilt wine left.

"I guess that some survivors tried to escape and chose here to hide...." Alex thought aloud, looking at the corpses with bite marks, claw wounds and a few that took their own lives.

"Let's hope Mavory escaped; she was a kind woman." He continued.

Remembering the woman that once scolded him, slapping his ass with a wooden stick for drinking underage with Sarah, fond memories of the first few years he came to this town.