Chapter 92: Broken [2]

The deformed creature that used to be Mildred stood across from Samantha's broken body, her left arm too damaged to regenerate, her right arm grasping a warped and damaged spear, her red eyes filled with sorrow and loss. 

'I shouldn't have forced you to come with me.'

"Forgive me, Mildred, but I cannot allow Alex to see you like this!"

Her eyes narrowed, watching Mildred's body walking on all fours, without skin, as her muscles and flesh moved tightly packed, almost like the zombie dogs from earlier or that creepy monster with the long tongue from the zombie game.

Tightly her hand grasped the spear, its damaged shaft bending slightly with her powerful grip.

She was so close now; Samantha could feel it in her bones. She had to do something before she lost control again. The last thing she wanted was Alex to witness what happened when she went berserk. It would destroy him. 

Alex's voice echoed through her mind: "You're not alone anymore."