Chapter 117: Qilana's Plight

Inside the meeting room, Qilana stood with her most treasured advisors and allies; since the death of her mother several months ago, the ministers who used to support her mother began to slowly take their slices of cake, pulling away from her as the kingdom created for the people, became fragmented, broken apart into smaller pieces, each faction trying desperately to claim power.

Qilana's most regretful moment was seeing her father running away with the high chancellor, his eyes that looked at her as if seeing a bitter enemy and not his beloved daughter.

'Calm Qilana... that snake and his mistress will get their deserved end!'

The two had been plotting against her mother since he married her, first planning to murder using a weak, slow-acting poison, but now it was too late for Qilana to prove anything. The kingdom was already being conquered by the demons outside and wolves from inside.