Chapter 157: The Fall Of Selmot - Struggle

With the blistering heat of the black sun, and the darkness enveloping their bodies, they marched forward with swords in arms, armour on their bodies, facing the man who led them.

Alexander, his broad shoulders, tall stalwart back leading them.

Nodachi, in hand, calmly led his troops towards the enemy.

A colossal horde of over 19,000 demons, their twisted figures more apparent with each step they took, a mere 400 used only to delay the end.

"Venri, deploy the third barrier." He spoke serenely, his eyes narrow and dull with a fiery glow of resilience.

Her body shook as she pulled the dark, brittle scroll from her item ring, tearing the musty scented parchment before a brilliant light enveloped the entire of Selmot's walls.

A luminescent light that stops all evil began to fill the southern and eastern walls guiding and bolstering the women waiting to fight their enemies.