Chapter 178: Confrontation!? [1]

Since Alexander returned, the base's atmosphere became rowdier—he would spend time with the Vesta during the day.

Like before, he would serve them with whatever they wished if they performed well.

Most of the time, it was something obscene, or others were rather cute and just wanted to hold hands and kill zombies together.

'Ugh... Why are some of my Vesta extremely strange!?'

It was four days since he came back—each day, he would leave with the girls and take them deep into the city, massacring all they could and bringing back any items that might be useful.

The plan was to start moving east in three days.

The last Vesta to ask for his reward was a little strange and asked him to lick her asshole until she came...

It wasn't like he didn't do that before, but she asked to do it in front of her entire squad, with Laura watching the entire thing with a wistful face.