Chapter 200: I Fell For A Derranged, But Cute Vamoran

From there, their brutal competition proceeded, the crowd cheering with each broken bone, crushed limb, a little macabre.

"Get her! Beat the haughty bitch to the ground!" 

"Crush him! Snap his legs and eat him alive!"

"Yeah! FUCK!"


The final clash sent Alexander's bloody body slamming into the arena wall, while Valu stood only taking a few steps back, her palm bleeding as her fingers dropped to the ground.

When she had gone to bite through his neck, his blade twisted and sliced her hand—in retaliation, her elbow crushed his sternum.

"Alexander~~ Ah~ I'm so fucking wet~ let me eat you, okay? Why struggle.... even your cock is hard for my body despite your futile resistance~ Fufu."

"Crazy alien bitch!" Alexander snorted, his wounds instantly healing with the blood fairies helping him.