Chapter 215: I Have Found You!

'Wha-what... is he ok with me pleasuring him publicly!? There are many here—No matter how used to sexual acts the others may be, they'd still be shocked, right!? And the others haven't agreed!'

But somehow, his voice and eye contact was hypnotic as she slowly lowered her body under many other women's shocked and frustrated eyes and began to service her beloved with her mouth.

'It tastes like other women... Ah~ what a delectable flavour, making even a succubus a cuckold. I cannot get enough of this thick... musky taste.' 

"Nnmph... Gubuh.....Mmmmn pah~ so big...." 

[Alexander's POV]

"Now then, please ignore my wife's cute needs. She is a succubus, and I have to feed her well," His face changed before pushing gently on Stella's head until her nose was at the base of his manhood, her nose bubbling as she gagged, but her blue eyes looked up and tried to endure, "Mmmph~ Ngh..... Gubuh....."