Chapter 218: To The North...

Alexander found that most of the Vesta had begun waiting at the gathering point while some were helping clear rubble or setting up a small area to relax, eat or rest. 

Now every 1000-2000 metres, they would establish a small camp for others to use.

This idea was thought of by Laura, who wished that when clearing an area, they had somewhere close to falling back to in case of danger.

"Oh, working hard as always, Claire." He smiled before rubbing her muscular back, his fingers wrapping around her tail and teasing her ass. 

'Minotaur women are so sexy.' Alexander thought as she struggled to lift a piece of debris, only for him to grab it with a single hand and move it easily, causing her to fall into his chest. 

"Mmm, Alex, I could have handled it myself." 

"I know, but it's more fun to help you."