Chapter 238: Laura + Mildred Vs Stage 6 - Round 2

The two girls began to take their distance, no longer wasting time and mana attacking with useless skills, dodging instead as they thought of a plan.

"We need to distract it, Mildred... We need your bloody arrows and my speed to make it weak."

The pair dashed forward, both trying to discover a pattern as Laura used her shadow dance technique to attack swiftly before vanishing into the shadows to blink several yards to the opposite side.

Mildred's eyes of inspection were active, constantly trying to find a weakness.

Alexander watched with a confident gaze, smiling as he realised they had started to work together more fluidly, with Mildred using her arrows to stop the spider attacking Laura and Laura attacking its rear to protect Mildred.

"I've got the way! When I attack, use your arrows as many as you can!"