First Dance

Amy had her eyes closed, leaning on the trellis by the bench in the gazebo when she felt someone covering her shoulder with a soft piece of garment.

"Sorry, I was not in the ballroom when you looked for me. I looked for a shawl for you to use," Henry said softly to her as he sat beside her.

"Thank you, but I told you, you don't have to. It's not cold in here."

It's true it's not cold but with her backless dress, she was still thankful that Henry gave her one.

"I know, but I don't want other men feasting at the sight of you. I'm the only one who should see your body. My girlfriend is for my eyes only."

He smiled at her sweetly and entwined his hand with hers.

Amy did not refuse his action. She felt his sincerity and his smile was genuine. She can see that he is actually happy.

It was weird for her since their relationship was a contracted one and not real, not based on love. She wondered if he was like this too with his previous women.

"Girlfriend, huh? So I guess it's official then," she murmured.

He was rubbing his thumb against her knuckles when he gently lifted it up and placed it on his lips for a kiss before answering her.

"Yes, it is. The lawyer was at the party and left as soon as Rei handed him the documents."

Amy felt relaxed at how Henry was acting right now. She can't believe that this man is the same ruthless man that other people are talking about.

He seems so gentle and protective over her, so why do other people look at him differently? She only hopes that she made the right choice of staying with him.

As if sensing her worries, Henry let go of her hand and cupped her face.

"Don't worry Amy; you made the right choice of being with me. You won't regret this I'll make sure of that. But for now, let's enjoy the party, the formalities are over and everyone is now enjoying the drinks and music. Let's go, shall we?"

Amy smiled and nodded, he placed a kiss on her forehead, before holding her hand to lead her back to the ballroom.

As soon as they arrive inside, she immediately glances at the bar to see if Ash is still there without Henry noticing. She was relieved when she did not see him there.

'I hope he is ok.'

She asked permission from Henry if she could first freshen up before going back to their seat since she was crying earlier. He instructed his guards to go with her.

She was really worried about Ash, so when she got into the ladies' room, she made sure that he was ok. She instantly calls Mary.

[Hello? It's late! Why are you disturbing my beauty sleep?]

It's obvious in her voice that she was already sleeping when Amy called her.

"Can you check on Ash? I'm sure he is drunk. Call his home or his driver to see if he's ok."

[He called me earlier asking about your boyfriend, whom I obviously don't know. What's going on Amy? What is Ash talking about and where are you? I was not able to call you earlier since I was busy at the cafe,] she worriedly asked.

"I will tell you tomorrow, but can you please make sure that Ash is ok, please?"

Amy kept everything from her best friend since she didn't want her to worry. Plus she will surely stop her if she informs Mary of her plan.

[Alright, alright I will. You better have an explanation for all this! See you soon babe!]

Good thing her best friend knows her well. She knows that she will not do anything that will harm herself.

Amy sighed in relief as she ended the call and started retouching her face.

She was at the very end of the powder room when 3 women entered.

"I heard the Chairman is looking for a wife for Henry. He wants him to get married and give him an heir before he turns 30 or else he's in deep trouble," said the first woman who entered the ladies' room.

"But didn't he just introduce earlier his new girlfriend?" the second woman said.

"Don't worry girls; it's just for a short while. We'll have our chance to play with him when he's done with her. Besides, you know how he is, he's the type that never gets serious with women so I bet when he gets married it's only for convenience and for the sole purpose of producing an heir for the Chairman," the third woman retorted.

Amy heard everything that they said, she knew that they were right but she couldn't help but feel a tinge of pain in her heart. Just imagining Henry with another woman makes her furious, it makes her jealous.

'Whoa wait a minute, why am I feeling this way? It's not like we're in a real relationship. It's not like I do like him, because I don't.'

She's trying to convince herself, even though she knows that she's feeling something, something she can't figure out yet.

Amy waited for the women to leave before she went back to Henry.

She found him talking to some old men with young ladies by their side. She was facing Henry's back and as she approached the group, she heard the old men introducing their daughters to Henry like they were some sort of luxury goods.

It piqued her temper right off the bat, she doesn't know why, but she suddenly wants to show these people that Henry is taken and he is hers, at least for 6 months that is.

Maybe it's her pride or ego but one thing is for sure, she doesn't want him playing around with other women while they are in their contract.

"There you are love," she slowly snaked both arms on Henry's back and chest almost hugging him.

It was to show them that it's only her who's allowed to touch him.

"I was looking for you, sorry I took so long, I had to make a phone call."

Henry grinned like a donkey, smiling ear to ear upon hearing her voice and feeling her arms on him. He perfectly understands why is she doing this and even calls him love.

He wrapped his left arm around her back used his right hand to push her chin up and took the opportunity to seize her lips.

It was a deep wet kiss.

The people in front of them were astounded as they knew that Henry was someone who was cold toward others. The women gasped and the old men stood there frozen while staring at the two who were lost in their own world.

One of the men courageously cleared his throat to pull Henry back to reality.

He halted straightaway and Amy wipes the lipstick mark that got onto his lips.

"Everyone, this is Amelia Bell, my girlfriend."

He introduced Amy to the men who were some of the executives in his company.

One of the executive's daughters asked her in a mocking tone.

"What do you do Ms. Bell? Henry's girlfriends are usually rich and famous, but I haven't heard of you."

Henry frowned and was about to answer her but Amy squeezed his arm lightly, silently telling him that she got this.

"I'm a writer, but I also run a small cafe and coffee farm. How about you, do you work or perhaps run a business?"

The woman smiled awkwardly, obviously annoyed at her question.

She had heard this woman's conversation with another group earlier and she knows that she is just one spoiled brat who depends on their family's wealth.

Luckily the music changes into a ballad and Henry cuts off their conversation boorishly since he's not interested in what the other woman would say.

"Perfect timing! May I have this dance, my love?" He gestured his hand and Amy took it with a smile.

But that smile faded and was replaced with displeasure as soon as they took their place on the dance floor.

Henry can guess why Amy is suddenly in a bad mood and it's making him smile like an idiot.

"Are you jealous, 'My Love'?"

Amy who was looking somewhere else finally looked at him with a glare and raised an eyebrow.

"I am not, why should I 'My Love'?"

Henry bit his lower lip to suppress a smile.

They are using 'My Love' to mock each other and Henry loves it.

'Perhaps she likes me' he rejoiced mentally.

"Then why are you glaring at me? Did I do something wrong?"

She didn't answer and averted her gaze.

Henry could not contain his laughter anymore and laughed at her, she lightly hit his chest seeing that he was enjoying her irritation.

He pulls her closer and catches her wrist before she can throw another blow.

"Do that again and I'll kiss you right here and grab your ass for everyone to see," he said with a smirk.

Amy looked around and saw that they were now in the center of the dance floor where everyone could see them. She pouted and lowered her head.

"Tell me what's wrong my angel? Use your words, I won't understand what you're thinking if you won't tell me."

He wanted Amy to be open to him. He noticed that she was always quiet and used few words around him even though it was obvious that she was thinking about a lot of things.

He wanted to break that barrier between them. He wanted Amy to trust her completely.

Amy hesitated but she didn't want to sulk for something so trivial.

"I don't want you to flirt with other women while we are in contract," she directly conveyed.

"Not because I am jealous but because I don't want people to talk about us, especially me, about how you're misbehaving behind my back."

She justified although deep within her, she feels that there's something more that she still can't understand. Or perhaps she was really jealous but she quickly dismissed the idea.

"I'll do as you say. However, I should demand the same. I don't want you to mingle with Ash alone. I know you can't avoid him and I can't stop you from seeing him but you will be accompanied by your security team when you're with him."

If it's up to him, he doesn't want her to see him anymore but it will only push Amy away when he is trying to break the wall between them.

Amy did not refuse his condition since she thought it was only for six months and Ash would understand after she explained everything to him.

When their dance ended, Henry bid his farewell to his uncle.

"Let's go home," he stated as he led Amy to the car.

"Isn't this your home? I thought you lived here since you brought me to your room earlier," she asked him.

"I grew up here after my mother died. This is Uncle Trev's home. He took me in when I became an orphan," he explained.

They soon reached his car where Rei and Tony were waiting.