It Was You

Amy can hear the loud thumping beat of her heart.

Henry is intensely looking at her with lustful eyes. To add to her suffering, he is currently hovering over her on his bed with their bodies brushing each other.

She can feel the desires radiating from him, and her body is completely mirroring the same thing. She felt like her body and mind had been waiting for him for a long time. Every part of her is starting to ache for him wanting to be touched.

They stayed in that position staring passionately at each other. As if they are waiting for the other to make the first move.

The silence is not helping Amy; it just makes her brain picture the two of them touching each other's bodies. She is longing for him. Even though she just met him, there was something inside her that she couldn't explain.

Suddenly she remembered his words last night. She was not able to question him about it for she was shaken by his declaration at that moment.

"Henry…" she whispered to him.


"Why am I important to you?" She mumbled, she was embarrassed to ask it but she brazened herself to break the brewing sexual tension between them.

He rose and sat beside her and she followed suit.

"If I tell you, promise you'll not think of me as some weird psycho stalker of yours."

His heart was beating awfully fast. He's not sure if he is doing the right thing or not. He doesn't want to drive Amy away but he wants to be honest with the woman that holds his heart.

She nodded.

"Because I liked you the first time I saw you."

"In the parking lot?" she asked.

"No, in your coffee shop," he whispered sheepishly.

"How come I don't remember you?" Her curiosity is at its peak.

How come she doesn't know him when she was always there before her family's accident?

"Because it was a long time ago. My dad loved your coffee and my mom loved your pastries."

It hurt him to recall that happy memory he treasured in his heart.

His father died trying to save him from his kidnappers when he was ten. And that's when his life fell apart. But every time he drowns in the darkness his angel will appear and pull him out. It was not until his teenage years that he decided to take a different path.

Amy was still trying hard to remember if he had seen him before. There was nothing that came to her mind even if she tried harder. Her curiosity is killing her and cannot wait to know more.

"When was it?" Her eyes were gleaming with excitement and enthusiasm.

"I was 10 and you were 7. But I was annoyed at first. You kept on bugging me to taste the bread you baked yourself. I can still remember the taste vividly."

There was a devious sneer on his face while taking a trip down memory lane.

"Was it good?" She unconsciously moved closer to him, anticipating his answer.

"It was awful! You made me finish the whole bread! I was sick the next day. I had diarrhea and was vomiting multiple times, they had to take me to the hospital. I swore back then to make your life miserable like how I was," he scoffed as he rubbed his forehead.

"What did you put in that anyway?" He blurted out in a calm manner without noticing the dark aura emanating in front of him.

When he looked back at her, she was looking at the bed with her fist tightly closed.

'Oh no, me and my big mouth,' he grunted inwardly.

"A-Amy? He called out.

Her baking and cooking are better now of course. After all the hard work she put into it, she's proud that now everyone who tasted her pastries and dishes would definitely praise her one way or another.

She finally looks at him with ardent emotions in her eyes.

"You! So it was you!"

Henry's face brightened, and he was thrilled that Amy remembered him, but how come she didn't look happy at all?

He didn't see her after that for a long time, so he pondered on what he had done to put her in such a not-so-good mood.

"So you remember me?"

He was frightened to ask this question thinking that he might have done something stupid back then that he can't remember.

"Of course, I don't! But hell! You surely made my life miserable," she then hit him with the nearest pillow she could find.

He quickly protected himself with both his arms while taking all her strikes.

"What did I do? I was not able to see you for years after that," he questioned as he kept on defending himself as Amy still kept on pounding him with his pillow.

"Surely, you won't remember, you weren't there!"

He takes hold of the pillow to stop Amy so he can question her properly. He was dying to know what happened.

"So how did I do it if I am not there?"

She sighed heavily releasing all the pent-up emotions she didn't know she was holding back. She was not even angry. She had mixed emotions of excitement, relief, and delight, and like a huge burden was lifted off her chest.

"My dad scolded me multiple times saying the son of his friend got sick because of my bread. So he made my mom train me in the kitchen every chance he had. It was hard, she did not stop until I did it the way she did. It's not that I don't like it.

I enjoyed it actually but the sick boy stuck in my mind that I always make sure everything in the kitchen is clean and fresh. I was always afraid that someone might get seriously sick again and I might go to jail for poisoning."

She giggled remembering what made him sick after eating the bread.

Henry creased his brows knowing that she was definitely thinking of something mischievous.

"What's so funny now?"

"Looking back, I now know what made you sick."

She's trying her best not to laugh seeing the eagerness on his face. But he patiently waited for her answer.

"I remember putting some flowers in it. My mom was so mad I plucked her flowers in the garden that she was saving for an event.

She made me wash my hands several times because she said it was poisonous. Ha ha ha!"

She couldn't contain her laughter anymore.

"Perhaps, I really deserve to go jail because I literally poisoned you! Ha ha ha!"

Henry's face was giving out so many expressions while she was telling her story. From the looks of it, he was imagining the scenario and was completely disgusted by it which made her laugh harder.

On the other hand, Henry who was so smitten with her laugh is fighting within himself to not ruin the moment. Amy was laughing so hard without a care in the world with her movements.

She was not aware that the ties on her robe had loosened up and was now showing her body on display for Henry to enjoy.

He doesn't know how to say it, that he can now see her round full breast and nipples through the sheer fabric of her nightwear.

He can feel the heat slowly building up within him. His face contorted trying to relinquish the fire inside him until Amy changed her position. She bent her legs and sat in a cross-legged position.

Henry hastily face-palm himself as he caught a glimpse of her pink lace undies. Amy misinterpreted his action as being offended by her laughter.

She held Henry's wrist with both hands trying to remove it from his face.

"Hey, don't sulk, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh," she said while still trying to swallow her chuckle.

"Don't touch me, Amy. You have no idea what you have done."

Amy's touch is adding fuel to the fire. He wanted to touch her so badly it hurt.

Amy still didn't understand what was going on with him, she held his hands firmly this time to pull them away from his face.

Henry has no more self-control left. He grabbed both of Amy's wrists and pinned her down on the bed. He looked at her with gritted teeth.

"H-Henry?" Amy was startled by his sudden action.

"I told you not to touch me. I am burning with desires for you right now Amy. I c-can't control myself anymore, and it's your fault," he released one of Amy's arms and caressed her face.

"Your lips are inviting me to devour them," he whispered into her ear.

His breath touching her skin brought her shivers and anticipation. Her heart started to beat faster. Her breath is becoming unsteady.

He moved his hand to her neck earning him a gasp from Amy.

"I want to lick and mark your neck for everyone to see that you are mine."

And he didn't stop there. His hand moved down to her chest tracing the middle of her ribs.

Amy gulped at the sensation he was giving her. With every whisper, she can feel his warm breath, and it's making her wet down there.

"Your breasts are so alluring that I want to grab them and feel how soft they are. I want to rub and suck your nipples until they turn hard."

His words are like torches, burning her within making her core melt and ache.

He licked and sucked her earlobe, nudging her in surprise. He giggled; making her face flush as she instinctively looked at him.

Their eyes met, and Henry paused with what he was doing. He didn't expect her to face him that quickly which made his face turn red too.

Amy placed her hand on his cheek and his eyes widened with the unforeseen gesture.

"What are you doing to me, Henry?"

She pulled him closer and kissed him sweetly. She didn't know what came into her mind but the urge to kiss him was so strong that she really wanted to do it even if it was just a short and quick kiss on his lips.

As soon as she released him, he placed his forehead against hers.

He stayed silent, unmoving.

Amy got worried for a while, thinking if she was not allowed to initiate intimacy between them.

"Fuck…" he grunted as if in pain.

"What am I supposed to do now? You'll be the death of me, Amy."

"I'm mmmm…" she wasn't able to speak as Henry's lips crashed against hers. He sealed her mouth with his, as he slowly slid his tongue inside hers, exploring every inch of it.

He released her other hand to place it on her nape holding her head in place. While his other hand freely roams her body.

She gently tugged his hair as they got lost in each other's hunger and desire.