All Set and Fresh

"Madam, wake up, madam," Demi taps Amy's shoulder as she wakes her up after bringing down all of Amy and Henry's baggage downstairs.

"Mmm…" Amy doesn't seem to want to sign off from dreamland as she only moaned and did not heed Demi's call.

"Madam it is five in the afternoon and you need to go to the airport," Demi shook her up once again.

Amy sleepily sat up this time without opening her eyes, stretched her arms, and yawned loudly, making Demi chuckle. "Get up, you still have to change your clothes, and let's cover those spots on your neck."

Amy instantly opened her eyes wide upon hearing Demi, "What spots?" she asked while frowning.

Demi then gave her a handheld mirror and her face turned pale before a crease on her forehead appeared. Demi on the other hand was trying to hide her smile and giggled to herself.

"This is insane!" Amy lashed out as she touched and counted the hickeys that Henry made on her skin.