Red Diamond

"I want to share with you everything that I have in this world and spend the rest of my life by your side. I love you so so much Amy, will you please –"

"Yes! Why do you even have to ask?!" Amy jumped to Henry making him lose his balance and fall to the ground with Amy hugging him on his top.

"So impatient!" Henry chuckled as he tried to sit up.

"Now, where is that ring?" Henry saw the ring fly away when Amy dived into him.

"Here…" Amy picked it up and handed her hand to Henry before giving him the ring.

Henry was about to put it on her finger when Amy stopped him.


He frowned as he shifted his gaze to her, wondering what is it this time. All he wanted to do is put it on her finger, get it over with, and announce to the world that they are getting married. But Amy seems to be adamant about delaying his plans.

"Say it again, everything that you said earlier," Amy exclaimed.