First Stop

Henry waved goodbye to Amy as the staff of their wedding planner drags them away.

"Where are we going?" Amy asked one of the staff.

"To the spa first madam," said the staff as she continue walking with Amy. "The other staff are still preparing your room as of the moment," she added.

"There is a spa here? Wow! What else is in here?" Amy was amazed since the place looks old and rustic and she didn't expect it to have modern amenities.

"Well, it is an air-conditioned tent for now, with a portable wooden sauna at the back. The groom had it installed a few days ago just for this wedding."

Amy shook her head, and again she still thinks that it is too much for a small wedding. The wedding planner's assistant opened the door for her when they arrived at the spa.

"Amy! Finally, you are here. I thought we are gonna wait forever," Mary exclaimed.