[Bonus chapter] Then Be Gentle

Amy found the entire process of documenting her injuries at the hospital and providing her statement to the police to be incredibly tedious, to the point where she believed it was more draining than her previous encounter with her kidnappers.

Little did she expect that the medical-legal procedure would occupy her entire afternoon until evening. By the time all the tests and interviews were completed, she was famished and desperately in need of food.

Upon returning home, she saw everyone who was eagerly awaiting her return, but Henry stood firm in his decision to not allow anyone to come to their room, prioritizing her undisturbed rest and recovery.

They were both grateful to discover that their room was already arranged with food and a warm bath awaiting them.

She had not realized how hungry she was until she saw the food that was perfectly displayed in their room, so she grabbed the first thing she could reach and stuffed it into her mouth.