Hello, alpha Ri Dylan,

  My name is Mona Ryan,

  I am the she-wolf you met today,

  The one you got mated to.

  I am sorry if you got offended by me running away without saying anything to you,

  I would like for us to meet tomorrow evening at the spot where we bonded.

  Thank you for reading my letter.

  Dylan received the message early that morning from the messenger, who had told her that the girl sent it last night. So, she must mean that she wants to meet with him today. He grinned, how cute of her. Who does she think she is to just walk away from him and request to see him whenever she feels like it? Has she no regard for an alpha?

  He heard his wolf speak then, “she is your mate, Dylan. Your bonded mate.”

  “Fine. she is my mate. And so, what? I am still an alpha and she is still an omega. That does not change anything!”

  Silence. He didn’t get any more response, but then his conscience began prickling him. She wants to talk, maybe she wants to accept the bond, but with the way she fled off yesterday, Dylan wouldn’t be able to predict what would happen today, or maybe he can.

  Either way, this might be the perfect time for him to reject her, as he had no intentions of wasting his precious time on her any longer, he’d left alpha duties yesterday because of the mate pull, he’d have to do it again today because of her message, but by tomorrow, it won’t happen, because he’d be a free man, as he would no longer have a mate pulling him to anything.


  It was already a few hours into the night. Mona had been waiting here for hours, and still he hadn’t come.

  “He’s not coming, is he?” She asked her wolf.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Sighs. She should have known. He probably must still be mad at her for fleeing off like a chicken yesterday. There probably isn’t any need for a rejection anymore, as this mate of her doesn’t seem interested in so much as meeting with her. She was about to return home when the dominant voice stopped her in her tracks.

  “Off to running away again, aren’t we?” She turned to see him standing there. He’d just arrived, later than the agreed time. It might have even been better if he hadn’t shown up at all.

  Mona hid her annoyance and gave a friendly face instead, introducing herself.

  “Hi, my name is Mona Ryan…”

  He stopped her, “I know.”


  You mentioned your name in the letter already, so I know who you are. Is that why you called me here? To tell me your name?” He asked impatiently.

  She shook her head, stuttering, “no… um, I… was surprised… I didn’t expect to be mated to you at all,” she flopped at trying to jump straight to the point. Why was she finding the words hard to say? Was she scared of hurting him so badly?

  Dylan grew more impatient with her silence, and then decided to tell her what he had to say.

  “I, alpha Ri Dylan, reject you as my mate, Mona Ryan.”

  His sudden words shocked her instantly.

  Why? She almost asked, even though she ought to be pleased that he did the job for her instead, her heart still felt the pain. Dylan continued, not minding her reaction, as this wasn’t the first time he’d be breaking hearts, he appeared unmoved as he gave her his reasons.

  “I have affairs with many women, Mona. Stronger women who are very different from you, I am not a one mate kind of guy, and believe me when I say this; this rejection will favor you more than it will me, because I am not the wolf you would want to be mated with.”

  He came closer to her, staring at her straight in the eyes, she hadn’t responded with any words, but that didn’t mask the pain he saw right through them. “I do not approve of you, Mona Ryan. And unless you want to be sharing my bed with about fifty other women, I’m sure you wouldn’t approve of me too. So, let’s just go our separate ways and pretend this never happened.”


  Far, but not so far away, in the dark moon packhouse. One of the spies sent by Alpha Douglas Brine returned with some vital information, one he knew that the alpha would be pleased with him for.

  “What is it, Goomer?” Douglas impatiently asked the rat upon meeting with him in his court.

  “I bring you some news sire, one we can use for our advantage in taking down the Lycan alpha,” Goomer beamed.

  “Out with it, don’t waste my time!”

  “Alpha Dylan has a new mate now; we can kidnap her use it to blackmail him emotionally.”

  Douglas scoffed, “I should have your head for getting my hopes high like this, Goomer. Are you not aware that Dylan has had up to four mates in the past, all of whom he rejected because his dick is too big to fit into just one woman? What makes you think this one will be any different?”

  “It will sire, because Dylan actually cares for this girl, I saw them meeting in the forest this evening, the second time after their mating. He looks at this girl differently, and besides, we’ve got nothing to lose by at least trying. If he doesn’t come for her, we can then kill her.”

  “If he doesn’t come for her, I’ll not just kill her. I’ll also kill you as well for wasting my time.”

  Goomer nodded confidently, “you won’t sire, because I’m sure that he’ll break for this one. He’ll come for her; you’ll see.”

  “Very well then, you’ve managed to convince me a bit, even though I still think it’s a complete waste of time. I’ll do everything I can to push Dylan off his seat and grab hold of that mighty stone.”

  “I’ll arrange the men to track her movements sire. Not to worry because very soon, that stone will be as good as yours, and alpha Dylan will be as good as dead.”