"Thanks," Simba muttered to Darian as they made their way down the hallway, walking behind the guard assigned to take them to Mona.

  Darian nodded, "you are welcome. I didn't want you to lose your cool and then end up having to make an enemy. It's the last thing we need right now."

  "It's why I would always listen to you." Simba mused.

  "Here we are." The guard announced, pointing towards a depressed-looking Mona who had her head bowed on the bed. The room door was slightly opened. She lifted her head when the guard called out to her.

  Locking her gaze with that of Simba, Mona jumped out of bed, making her way towards him. She bowed her head hurriedly, a gleam of hope in her eyes.

  "Good evening to you, alpha Simba. Did you really come here for me?" She inquired with eager eyes.