Diane banged loudly on Dylan's room door. The moment he entered his chambers, she had been searching for him like a maniac yelling his name, causing the guards to whisper silently at themselves.

  Dylan had heard his sister calling clearly, but he wasn't ready to respond to her yet. He and Foden had gone apart to avoid dealing with her when she got bored again. Unfortunately, she didn't let him rest his back yet when she came calling.

  Cussing loudly, he wondered what the goddess was thinking when she decided to bless his parents with twins. He would have been just enough for them. If so, he wouldn't be having a raving banshee at the other side of his door. It's Diane, whom he considers the goddess's mistake and has him doubting her competence.

  Groaning painfully, Dylan dragged himself off the bed to get the door. He would have ordered the guards to lift her away from his door. But that would only be complicating matters.