Mona screamed out loudly in pain as her ankle got forced back to its normal position. To her surprise, the help Sansan had gone to find included her returning with the Beta. At first, she was worried Sansan and herself might be in trouble. But then he had sat at the foot of the bed after calling out to a guard to get him some ointment with a name that didn't sound familiar to her.

  When the guard returned, he first applied it on the affected path. She massaged it a bit before doing what she considers the most painful healing she had ever experienced. But she felt a bit better after he had cracked her bones.

  "Put your foot down a bit," Foden told her.

  Mona stood up trying to hold her foot down. It hurt her, but she was better off than some minutes ago. Taking her seat back, she tucked her hair behind her ear shyly.

  "Thank you, Beta Foden."