Mona laughed her head off at the joke mark made. She can't remember the last time she had such a good time. The moment she had walked into the shop, all he had done was make her feel comfortable. It didn't feel like a strange place anymore.

  And then she got to have a better view of how good-looking he was. There was no way any lady won't fall for him in an instant. Aside from his good looks, Mark was charming too.

  "So, do you do anything else aside from this? Because Sansan once mentioned that you bake when you have time. Almost sounding like you are not always around."

  Mark stopped with the dough he was working on to look at her. "Yes, I work as a spy for the alpha. It's something that has been assigned to my family over the years. Mostly an honour to carry out such a task on behalf of the whole pack. And the perks of it are that we get to indulge in another line of interest. Just like me baking right now."

  "If you aren't always here, then who looks after the shop?"