Sansan stared at the ring Foden had given to her. She still couldn't believe she was getting married to her mate and the one she truly loved. Before she could announce her pregnancy to Foden, he had asked for her hand in marriage.

  She couldn't say no to the request, Sansan loves Foden with all of her heart, and she can't start to imagine not being with him. When he heard about her pregnancy, he was over the moon, feeling joyful over the news.

  Sansan had requested a low-key wedding celebration since she isn't much of a socialite like Foden is. He had agreed with no complaint and even said she could spend most of her time with Mona and her mother whenever she wanted. To avoid being all by herself.

  Foden is so considerate and understanding with everything he does, which makes her fall for him the more.

  "Why are you so lost in thought?" Mona said, trying to fix her hair in the mirror.