Miranda hummed to herself as she got dressed for the first time in a long while since she got forced down to the packhouse. Things were beginning to look better for her; Mark was right after all. All she needed to do was be more relaxed to get whatever she wanted.

  Douglas never invites any of his concubines to dinner, and if she did get an invitation, it's more of showing his Luna that he has a new favourite. Even though that scares her as hell, Luna Anna seems like a really good woman and doesn't deserve to be treated the way Douglas treats her.

  She should also write a letter to Mark to inform him of her progress so far. She wouldn't be surprised that he might be worried something went wrong for two weeks since they had discussed and she hadn't gotten back to him yet. Her intention was to wait until Douglas fed her with some sort of information, but that might take another two weeks since he is just getting to know her in a more appropriate manner.