Walking stealthily towards the room, Mona had been directed to meet with Dylan. Different thoughts crossed her mind as to why he would want to see her. The look on Foden's face was also quite distant.

  But, she didn't want to appear nosy and had let it be. She knocked gently on the door, and her heartbeat rose. When she didn't get any response, Mona opened the door as discreetly as she could. The old door made a creaking sound till it opened up widely.

  The moment Dylan's eyes met with Mona's, he knew within himself this would be the worst news he would deliver to anyone in his life. He could almost envision what would become of the conversation after Mona got to know why he called her.

  "Good day, Alpha." She mumbled, bowing her head a bit.

  "Please sit, Mona," Dylan said.