Mona felt her eyes tingle painfully when she stared out the window into the receding sun. It burned, but that didn't keep her eyes away from it. It's more of a punishment to herself for being so weak and unable to fight for her dead lover.

  If she had her way, she would have gone to the dark moon pack and unleashed her wrath on Alpha Douglas for shortening Mark's life and making hers miserable. Dry tears pricked her eyes; she had exhausted all of her tears.

  Turning her head to the pitcher of water placed there, she lifted her weak body. Walked stealthily towards it, she poured herself a cup with shaky hands drinking it with so much relish before she collapsed to the floor again.

  She dragged the tray of food and devoured it hungrily. No matter how angry she feels, she needs every strength she can muster to run far from here and return to the crimson pack. Mona has decided to run away the moment she gets freed from this room.