Elaina stared hard at Cedric. She was tired of him giving her the cold shoulder without telling her what she did wrong. One of her most dedicated maids had told her about him complaining to Simone the last time she had visited about how distant Elaina had become.

  She knew it was wrong of her to spy on her husband and friend. But, despite her sleepy state that night, she still had to put someone in place. Elaina had become paranoid about Simone being around her husband because of the many times she had openly admitted to wanting her life.

  Simone had completely changed, but Elaina couldn't risk having her home in ruins due to her trusting too much. Cedric stomped around the room, looking for nothing in particular.

  "When are you going to say it to my face, Cedric? I didn't think you would turn out to become a coward in the long run." She blurted with a stern face.

  Cedric turned around to look at her, bewildered at her words. "What are you talking about?"