They had only gotten halfway to the tunnel when Dylan turned back at Foden. "I am not leaving." He said.

  Foden stared at him like he had grown two heads, "you are joking right now? Why would you want to go back?"

  "I should be asking you that question, Foden! Why would I want to leave my people and run off, all for safety's sake? I am not a coward, and the last person who would make me feel that way is definitely not Douglas. If you would fight with me, then come. If you won't stay back!" He bellowed, gesturing towards his warriors to come with him.

  Dylan couldn't believe that he was just a minute from running off with the people he cared about in a bid to save himself. Foden, ashamed that he thought of running, placed his daughter in Sansan's hands.

  "You should hide here with Mona and the few guards that would stay behind. Just stay put here." He told her.

  Mona had tears in her eyes, "please don't go. What if you get hurt?" She said to Dylan.