CHAPTER 8 The Engagement 

  "My fiance? What are you talking about?" Sophia asked.

  Just then, Gerald faced her again, dragging his chair closer to her. She faced him, wondering what he was suddenly excited about.

  "You still have an engagement with the King family. If you hadn't disappeared then, you probably would have married into the King's family by now." Gerald raised his voice a bit at Sophia.

  Sophia shot him a sharp glare instantly and eyed him, making him look away and he faked a cough once again. She was aware that she was to marry the King family then, but she knew not who exactly she was getting married to. 

  She was reluctant about it back then and was sort of glad that the circumstances that happened did, making her move away from home for so long that the engagement was canceled.

  Seeing that Sophia wasn't interested in talking about the canceled engagement, Gerald instantly straightened his expression and continued to talk about business.