CHAPTER 18 Who are You?

  Sophia was on her way to visit the person in charge at Hexi today, as the matter cannot be delayed any longer.

  After some minutes, they got to the Hexi and it was a beautiful secretary who was in charge of reception.

  Very politely she led Sophia to the lounge.

  "Miss Sophia, please rest here first, our boss is in a meeting right now. He will come to see you immediately after the meeting."

  The beautiful secretary's attitude was quite good and her voice was so pleasant that it slightly calmed Sophia's headache, and made her a little more patient.

  An hour passed and the beautiful secretary used the same sweet voice and attitude to appease Sophia.

  "It's fine, I am still waiting," said Sophia.

  After some minutes, the secretary showed up again, but this time no matter how nice her voice was, she could no longer appease Sophia.

  Sophia checked the time, she had been waiting for an hour and a half. Then she got up straight away and walked out of the lounge.