It was a beautiful Thursday morning, Dylan was still in bed because he had a hectic day previously, he had rescheduled the meeting with his employees and it took extra time to arrive at their desired decision. He splitted tasks amongst his employees to facilitate the execution of the received contract. Dylan's phone had rung severally but he wouldn't hear because he had silenced it before sleeping.
Dylan took a day off work.
Amelia on the other hand was enjoying the break Tina gave her, she was sleeping calmly like a baby in a cradle. Tina had woken up to order the rest of the maids to tidy up the environment as supposed and they were busy with chores as Tina headed to the main building to do her part of the chores.
Suddenly as Tina tidied the living room she heard a car horn that sounded like Tess' but she ignored it afterall she isn't a gatekeeper and besides she wasn't expecting Tess to arrive soon.