CHAPTER 24 Scary cat!

  Lying on the bed, she was exhausted. Inhale now and then, taking in the air greedily.

  Keane pulls open the drawer and removes a pack of tablets, throwing them on her body.

  With just a glance, she knew what it was. For some reason, staring at the tablets makes her heart ache but she shakes off the thought pushing herself to sit up straight.

  She is no lover of medicine but because he was watching her, she didn't want him to get an impression of her being afraid of tablets.

  She swallows the tablets in her mouth with the help of enough water.

  Keane just stood there, staring at her. She placed the cup down, pushing herself up.

  Her eyes were teary for unknown reasons and she didn't want him to notice. With her head lowered, she walks to the bath and closes the door behind her.

  There was no need for her to hold on to her tears anymore, she let them out, as they kept on falling like rain.