CHAPTER 30 Don't move, do it here

  She heard him, and with a nod, she took a step behind only to be pulled back by him. She was perplexed, blinking at him not knowing what he wanted her to do.

  "Don't move, do it here" his voice was firm and decisive. She swallows, adjusting herself. She has been naked before him so many times but she just can't believe he will ask her to undress before him, this close.

  With no other choice, she starts removing her dress. She was dressed in a pair of trouser pants and a white long sleeve shirt.

  She pulls off the long sleeve revealing her bra complimenting her silky body. Her hands land on the waistline of her trouser and she stiffens, unable to move any further.

  "All of it" he informs again. She trembles under his hot gaze, her hands kept on shaking, making her unable to undo her pants. He watches her with sparkling eyes, more of him laughing at her silently.