Smiles wipes away her tears staring at the window trying so hard not to cry out. Her eyes caught sight of someone, it was the lady who bumped into her and didn't bother to say sorry but that was not her concern, the one thing that caught her attention was…Keane.
He was talking to her, smiling. Strange at what she saw, she turns to Derrick checking if what she's seeing is only her eyes that's seeing it . He follows her gaze, seeing the two love birds.
Keane looks very much happy and as if he just started living today. The smile on his face was something Smiles has never seen since she started living with him.
Her gaze never left them, her throbbing heart was as if it would lose functioning if it continued beating.
Nothing was more hurtful than the sight of him, hugging her and opening the car door for her.
The atmosphere becomes even darker when she kisses him.