CHAPTER 49 We'll bath together

  On their way home, Smiles couldn't stop smiling. The scene of grandma Shiley and grandpa Jimmy kept on playing in her head, their acting was super good…bravo.

  She will glance at Keane, wondering how he could stay still in situations like that. No change in his temperament, just how can he be this cool? She wonders.

  "Got something to say?" Keane asked startlingly the girl who was busily staring at him lost in thought.

  She was quick to nod a no, feeling embarrassed she was caught staring.

  "Thought as much," he said, turning his gaze to the window.

  Their drive home was quiet, with no one willing to speak first.

  Stopping in front of the mansion, she sat patiently waiting for Keane to come out first and only push on the door when he was completely out.

  She felt lively inside, for some unknown reason and she was trying her best to hide it. Knowing herself, she knows how crazy she can be when she's happy.