"Where is she?" Asked Smiles after settling down from her rush of emotions.
"She's fine, at home" he explains.
She nods, smiling.
"I am so happy for you" she congratulates. He smiles back at her sweetly.
"I wish to meet her…can you take me to her, or the other way round?" She asked but he shakes his head in denial
"You can't," he tells her to his face. She needs not to see the person because she is the one.
She frowned in dissatisfaction, glaring at him.
"Why?" She asked, demanding a reason.
"'Cause I don't want you to meet her now… you will get to meet her the day we will officially throw her a welcoming party…at least, that will be worth a surprise " he explains and she nods in understanding.
"That's great!" She said smiling. Just thinking about it made her wish she had found her own family too.
"By the way, you didn't come to work today, why?" She was curious and concerned.
"That's because I no longer work here," he tells her. She nods.