"I should be more careful next time" Fiona murmurs entering the mansion.
Smiles and Derrick were still sitting on the sofa, chattering about their life and everything.
"Mom, your back, come over here" Smiles call out, happy to see her mom after a long day.
Fiona frowned but didn't ask, she wonders why Smiles seem all happy today.
The biggest she's ever done was welcome her with a hug and serve her a nice meal she's prepared. It was quite strange to hear her call out to her. It is strange, in a good way.
"What's up? You seem so happy tod… " Fiona's words got stuck in her mouth when she spotted a certain someone, sitting on the sofa.
His amber blue eyes were enough to send her teary up, those eyes that stare back at her begging her not to leave.
"D-derrick?" She stutters, blinking away her tears.
Derrick was more than surprised to see his mom, "was this someone Smiles has been wanting him to meet?" He thought unable to infer.