“I’ve done plenty….. I’m not as pure as you think; I just don’t broadcast it to the world.” I lie, gritting my teeth and hating him for making me dishonest like this. I don’t even know why I care, and I catch his fork stop midway to his mouth for a second bite. He pauses, stays still, and is silent for a second before swallowing his first mouthful and looking up at me.

  “Why are you lying right now?” there’s a seriousness in his tone that has me feeling weird, and I put my chin back down and shove my food in so I don’t need to answer

  “Hmmm,” I try to sound flat and bored. Done with this topic and blanking him.

  “Who was your first kiss, then?” He asks in a strained way, poised and waiting… “First proper date?”

  “I told you it’s none of your business.” I scoff, choking on my half-swallowed and not well-chewed food, and cannot look him in the eye. I don’t even know why I am being this pathetic and immature.