“Little Miss Innocent … like we can fix our shit by me being a good boy.……. Just one easy switch up, and it all goes away…..Why? ….. I don’t want to fix things with, or for them. I’m only here because it's convenient for me to be here while finishing school… it was the one promise I made to my mom. I don’t care if I fail school…. Destroy all hope of a relationship with my dad … I don’t give a fuck…. Why should I?”

  I watch him, sadness running through me at a hundred miles an hour, filling every tiny gap inside me with hopelessness, and my anxiety returns with fervor. I drop my gaze to my lap, eyes misting up again and my heart shredding a little by little. Hating that I ever had this conversation with him. It didn’t help me. It just made me feel a hundred times worse.