Tyler moves past him, avoiding my eye, and nods to Elisa to get up, so she does so obediently, and I'm furious that this is happening. Tyler doesn’t say anything to defend me either, and Elisa goes into shy and scared mode and allows him to control her.

  “No… sit own, Elisa. Fuck off, Dane. Keep out of this. We were already here, and I have no reason to get up just because she demanded it…. You have no right to tell us to leave…..”

  “Pretty sure he just did, honey,” Charmaine smirks, and Alice does too, both eyeing me up like the cat who got the cream and my face flames. All thoughts of confusion and possible crushing on this asshole die a death at his obnoxious feet, and I know this will only escalate with the rearing of wounded pride and crushing pain in my chest.