I grit my teeth at the slight knock against my heels, the arrogant way he came in and blanked me, and his overall aura. Temper swirling that he didn’t even try to say anything to me as he was all cuddled up with Charmaine, that overly irrelevant slut. They are the perfect pair, and both make me sick.

  “Right, everyone knows what we’re working on today. I have a lot of catch-up marking to do, so I want you to work on your essays. If you need to go to the library, go….I have full trust you will work and not slack off. Only bother me if you have a genuine question.” The lecturer waves us from his lounging position in his seat, and I side-eye Elisa seeing the perfect excuse to get out of there. I am itching to put distance between Dane and me now he’s here.