Occasionally there are hints of the sweet boy he used to be and the once upon a time when he was less hostile toward me. It wasn’t always like this. Hormones had a lot to do with it when he reached puberty, and it felt like Dane progressively started to hate me more and more. Somewhere along the line, I started retaliating, and we developed this constant bickering and insults. It was not something that happened overnight.

  I feel sad suddenly, longing for the past when I didn’t always feel so messed up and irritated by him, for the boy who used to wait for me to walk to school and gave me chocolate on my first kindergarten valentines day. The boy who made my heart flutter when I was too young to know what it meant.

  “Here.” Charmaine slams down a tube of cream she has extracted from our kit and stands back, crossing her arms across her bust and glaring with open hostility. I can feel the sparking tension in the air around her. Thick static with a nasty undercurrent.